If you also use a credit card, then be careful. Banks never tell you about these 5 charges.

 If you also use a credit card, then be careful. Banks never tell you about these 5 charges

If you also use a credit card, then know about all these charges of the bank which the bank will never want to tell you about (Credit card charges 💳)

Every day you must be getting messages and calls, you get offers for credit cards with credit limits worth lakhs of thousands, some of these offers are true but the agents along with the bank do not give you complete information and sell you these credit cards in the market every day. Many people might be giving information about various upcoming discounts and rewards, butThey never tell you about the charges on your credit card. Which charges are being levied on your credit card? Neither the bank nor the bank will ever tell you about the 5 charges. If the employees of Credit Card will tell you then be careful. Today we will give you complete information about credit card charges.


There are many such credit cards on which there is no charge for years, but there are also such cards on which charge is imposed. Such cards are given to you for free for the first time and this charge is imposed on your card from the next year, although most banks It waives the charge on your card if you do more shopping, butBanks are also such that they start charging annual charges from the very first time itself, in such a situation, while taking a credit card, you should keep in mind whether the annual charge on the card is waived off or not and if the charge will be levied, when will it be charged and how much will it cost, it is very important to be aware of all these. are necessary and very important for you

2. Interest payable on credit card

The biggest source of earning for the credit card company is the outstanding interest. Every month the credit card statement comes in which a due amount is written which has to be repaid on the same date. If you are a few days or late in paying this amount, then your There is a possibility of interest being charged on all due amounts at the rate of 36-48 per cent per annum for the entire period. Many people get trapped in the minimum due amount and you have to pay Rs.You may have to pay heavy interest. You need to know what is the benefit and what is reduced from the minimum due. Get complete information about it before using the credit card, otherwise it may cost you heavily.


3. There is a charge for withdrawing cash from the card

When a company sells a credit card, the facility to withdraw money is given in its feature, but some people feel that the company is providing this and they like it very much, but interest starts being charged from the first day of withdrawing money from the credit card. You are not given even a day’s time to return the money, hence you have to understand that withdrawing money from credit card can be difficult. If you have to take huge money then take a loan from the bank but do not take money from credit card..

4. What is surcharge?

If you go to fill the fuel with credit card, then you have to pay surcharge on this too. Surcharge refund is available on maximum credit cards, but there are conditions for that too, like there is a limit on surcharge too, if any bank offers you and It is said that the surcharge applicable on transactions of Rs 1000 to 10000 will be refunded and in banks a limit of Rs 500,1000,1500 is fixed in which the surcharge will be refunded. .

5. Charges on overseas transactions

Many credit cards have a feature that they can be used abroad, but it is important for you to know that if you do any transaction abroad, you may be charged heavy charges for it. If you are thinking of using it abroad, then check with your bank. Go to and find out what its transaction charge will be.

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